
Showing posts from January, 2023


 I've always been suspicious of the word "love". There is something coercive about it. There's something snake-like about it. Like it's not really what it seems. It's not that I don't *feel* what the word is implying for my family or my favorite band. It's just that this feeling doesn't seem to match the way people use the word. The word love seems to hint at other things, like blind loyalty. Like when the word "love" is used, you can justify projection, or you can justify why someone should do what you say, believe what you say or listen to you at all. I don't want to sound bitter or cynical, I'm really not. I've let most of that go - but you know like in Star Wars when they say "use the force" and it's supposed to be this benevolent thing, this thing that saves the universe - (and not that force is good or bad or inherently moral) but the way "they" use it - there's something double handed about i

Headless Heroes - Blues Run the Game

Hey I'm not super sure how to word this, it's something I was thinking about recently inspired by the previous post. But I think the kabala Tree of Life is like a mind control map. I have been reading about project monarch/mk ultra for a long time - mostly Fritz Springmeiers work, but also Cathy o brien, and Brice Taylor, Dave McGowan etc....just to say I'm not talking out of my ass. (i was also raised in a semi cult like environment but like who wasnt) Anyway, in Springmeiers work he often talks about how they do Satanic rituals to make alters stick, or even have Christian prayers/characters - really there are all kinds of religious suggestions from different religions to make different alters - anyway, I am wondering if the Kabala Tree of life is like a map with the branches//nodes representing different depths of the mind going further and further down to the core. It seems like this New Age religion is being spread to the masses - and they" also traumatize the mass