Headless Heroes - Blues Run the Game

Hey I'm not super sure how to word this, it's something I was thinking about recently inspired by the previous post. But I think the kabala Tree of Life is like a mind control map. I have been reading about project monarch/mk ultra for a long time - mostly Fritz Springmeiers work, but also Cathy o brien, and Brice Taylor, Dave McGowan etc....just to say I'm not talking out of my ass. (i was also raised in a semi cult like environment but like who wasnt)

Anyway, in Springmeiers work he often talks about how they do Satanic rituals to make alters stick, or even have Christian prayers/characters - really there are all kinds of religious suggestions from different religions to make different alters - anyway, I am wondering if the Kabala Tree of life is like a map with the branches//nodes representing different depths of the mind going further and further down to the core. It seems like this New Age religion is being spread to the masses - and they" also traumatize the masses too while also selling this idea of the Kabala, so its almost like a macro/microcosm thing happening where different groups of people/parts of the population are in different parts of the map - that is some people are further down in wonderland - so to speak - than others, and people/parts of the population are playing different roles depending on how they are programmed.

I dunno this is really just a brain dump because i was thinking about it.Like its basically all about submission, that why all the words are like really positive, so that part of your mind gets hijacked and then programmed - but its more than that too - because programming happens when emotions are triggered and then used to disassociate - that empty space is where the "instructions" are given. Sorry this post is kinda for the crazy people - do you get what i'm saying. this is the oldest occult religion in the world - Judaism, but it's like a remix of all the mystery religions, like a kind of perfect science of mind control that pays homage to its predecessors. interesting that pedos call themselves MAPS

The color coding is also significant. The rainbow flag seems to be a big deal right now. The left/communists seem to herald it.


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