
Showing posts from June, 2024


Sometimes mystic researchers make the assumption that because the ancient world worshiped a Dragon - that the Dragon is somehow God. As if they got it right BECAUSE they are ancient. Kinda comes from that belief about respecting your elders. Or maybe its a remnant of ancestor worship. To the "Pagans" the snake is a symbol of wisdom. To the Abrahamic people the snake is a symbol of evil. So which one of them are correct? Both institutions have their faults. Neither has a perfect track record. I also realize that Christianity and Paganism are broad labels.  Its really hot outside and I am really enjoying it. Its very relaxing I want to live in hot weather. Suzhou was hot - I mean I was there in the summertime but I dont think the winters get very bad at all. I want to live in a city that has a tropical climate. Sounds like I should move to Florida. But the wildlife - I think - would freak me out. There was a mouse in my house for a couple of days this week. I had to kill it. I